There is plenty we take for granted living in the grand ol’ Cowboy State of Wyoming – the fresh air produced from our eight national forests, the cascading landscapes from rolling hills and meandering streams to pristine blue lakes and majestic mountain beauty, to the fine folk that live here keeping the wild west alive and well – but have you ever stopped to ponder how good it is we don’t have the headache of long commutes at effectively any point of the day?
Sorry, Denver.
Recently, The Denver Post shared an article on their growing population and with it, more cars, more traffic, more minutes being lost to their daily commute times, reportedly they’re approaching 50 hours a year spent in traffic – ouch.
In Denver, your average time to get from point A to B is 26-40 minutes during peak times and it’s projected to get far worse before it gets better, meanwhile, pretty much anywhere you find yourself in Wyoming, you’ll be happy to know you’ll be at your destination in 18 minutes or less.
Can we get an amen!
The Word From Facebook.
Admittedly, we came across a Wyoming Business Council Facebook post and found the inspiration for this post, but more than that, we found some light-hearted fun come in by the way of comments in reply to the announcement about local commute times.
Here are a couple of our favorite comments:
“I remember how mad I was when they closed 15th Street in Cheyenne and my commute DOUBLED from 2.5 minutes to 5. I griped about it for years.” — Angi Beauheim
Even better, the reply from Wyoming Business Council:
“Same here when Snyder closed down this summer. Also, what do you mean we have to wait behind TWO cars at a stop sign?! It’s rough, we tell you!” — Wyoming Business Council
A Business Council that Cares.
Speaking of Wyoming Business Council, they’re doing plenty of fine work behind the scenes to give Wyoming the tools and resources to spur impactful state-wide commerce for years to come for our burgeoning economy. Additionally, they’ve kindly put together a little document showcasing their State of Wyoming – Strategic Plan from now through the year 2026 a.k.a. the ten-year plan — thank you kindly!
During this time of year, there’s a ton to be thankful for, so as you’re saying grace for family and friends, and your surroundings all being a blessing to you, let’s say one more prayer that we don’t have a darn thing to say about our commute times.
God bless, Wyoming… and zero traffic.